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Optimizing the performance of a distribution centre with Cloud analytics

A transportation company generates a staggering amount of data every day. Between the time a parcel arrives at a distribution center and the time it leaves the center, it is estimated that no less than 10 points of contact are made, and therefore a great deal of data is generated. This amount of data grows exponentially with the number of parcels. How to use this real-time data to improve processes and optimize the performance of distribution centers?

Our mission : tame semi-structured data

A significant amount of the generated data was semi-structured and then difficult to use, thereby complicating the possibility of analyzing the results in real time. It was thus necessary to create a structure to store and use the data. Therefore, within the framework of this project, we have:

  • Stored all the semi-structured data in the AWS Cloud,
  • Integrated the data into a data warehouse, itself stored in the Cloud, with Snowflake technology,
  • Linked these different data bricks to Power BI technologies, enabling the client to consume the data in real time using interactive dashboards.

The key to success : working hand in hand with our client

Collaboration and innovation were at the core of the success of this project. The client had a clear idea of their needs and of what they wanted to implement, so it was by working closely together on the basis of mutual trust that we were able to propose and implement innovative solutions. With an agile approach, our teams delivered a functional and efficient solution in one month.

Our client was really working blindly. They were basing their strategic decisions on estimates. In one month, we were able to deliver an innovative solution that brings value and meets our client’s needs. The client now has tangible data and reports to support decision-making and thus improve the efficiency of their distribution centers.

Sébastien Notebaert – Solution and Data Architect

Benefits of these new analytical tools

Our client has all the required tools to support his business decisions:

  • Real and consumable data
  • Easy-to-access dashboards
  • Tools that simplify and support decision-making in a practical way
  • Increased performance in distribution centres.

Technological environment

  • AWS
  • Snowflake
  • Power BI

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